Imagine if you can, an artist, with TWO upcoming solo exhibitions she is preparing for. Imagine that this artist is NORMALLY a bit of an anomaly in that she is rigid with her regime, of arting. Her creativity is set for particular days, her focus is absolute. Now imagine said artist working earnestly on her new nocturnal series of works, the animals coming to life on her canvas revealing their personalities. These personalities becoming quite human, as in humans I have seen, or could see walking down the street.
Consider me SIDETRACKED!
Work stops on the solo show works and so begins the most selfish series of works ever (it’s fine… I am way ahead of schedule). My TWISTED series of works begins… humanoids in my head come to life on canvas, with black backgrounds and the characters painted in white. A shy body building Tiger, a Raccoon on a girl’s night out, a seemingly chilled out Cat, a hipster Bear, a sweet awkward and eclectic Hare, a fashion-conscious Sugar Glider and a surfie Koala. Each with their own stamp on their personalities, each with special details defining their characters. I am now completely in love. They make me smile… hell, they make me giggle.
A thousand more ideas pouring in, bodies, outfits and faces, meshing together.
Enter Bluechip Investment Art Galleries. They contacted me to ask if I was interested in being represented by them. Of course, I said yes, and after some super glossing varnishing, my works were shipped from Melbourne to the Sunshine coast. Soon enough a request for more works came, with a pop of colour and so the ideas bursting in my head had an opportunity to be freed.
Fun fact: my first selfish holiday was in Mooloolaba, so it feels very serendipitous that my first selfish works be there.
To see these works in person, visit Bluechip Investment Art Galleries, 23 The Peninsular, 13 Mooloolaba Esplanade, Mooloolaba, Queensland Australia. Open 7 days 10am to 5pm
For sales equires contact Bluechip Investment Art Galleries on phone, +61 (07) 5452 5600, email on or visit their website on
PS... all deadlines for solo shows were met!
