One upon a time in the land before scribbles, actually from the year 2000 to 2005, I thought myself a bit of a chalk pastel artist.
My high school art teachers sucked the joy out of creativity for me for a spell with all of their “that’s wrong”, “you cant’s” and “you shoulds” (side note: I know that I was just unlucky here and that there are some wonderful, supportive and nurturing teachers out there). With all that negative noise in the back of my head, I did not create for the four years post high school… till I came across chalk pastels. The tactile, messy, creamy and hard little sticks of joy sparked something in me that was akin to the happiness I found at 12 when I painted with oils for the first time.
Nothing was off limits. I draw landscapes and nudes, portraits with blooms. And now, for the first time ever, I have released a small selection of my pastel works for sale for the month of May.
Now available in my website shop
